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I Hate Liquid Eyeliner!

Emily Knight

(Used Makeup Forever Aqua Black and angled eyeliner brush)

I know its a pretty big statement to just throw out there as a makeup artist but its my blog and my opinion so I am going for it. I hate liquid eyeliner!!!

There are so many things I like about liquid liners, I love how opaque they are and how they create such a strong line but for the life of me I cannot figure out how in the world to apply it that it doesn't run or leave marks.

I prefer gel liners. I think I get the same effect of the liquid liner as far as the opaqueness and I get the freedom to move the product a bit more and create the same lines as many get with liquid liners.

Now there is a reason I went off on this eyeliner tangent and that is because I have to share some of my favorites with you. When Im doing makeup on others I like to use a dip and brush eyeliner because I have to think first and foremost about sanitation. I cannot use the same tip of 100s of different eyes, its just gross. So I like to go for the Makeup Forever, Bobbi Brown, and my personal budget saver L'oreal.

I also have come across a couple of new ones that I like to use in my personal makeup bag. I find these to be a little quicker but these would not be to share from person to person because they applicator comes in direct contact with the eye. I use this one every time I need a dramatic eyeliner. These are super easy to use and aside from sometimes pushing up to much product they are quickly becoming my favorite. I have 2, I use the They're Real Pushup Liner by Benefit and the Smashbox version of the

I have not been able to tell a huge difference between the two so I am just going to go ahead and throw them both out there and let you decide for yourself which one you like.

If any of you have a liquid eyeliner that you think I might like please let me know. Or if you have any tips of tricks on how I can apply them I will gladly accept the information. And if there is anyone else out there that hates liquid eyeliner as much as I do could you please let me know in the comments just so I don't feel so alone!

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